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Hong Kong Road Research Laboratory

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Hong Kong Road Research Laboratory is a strong partner of our company.

The Hong Kong Road Research Laboratory ( HKRRL ) was established in 2002 by Ir. Prof. Wong Wing-gun, Alan , with the support of the Hong Kong Government and the local highway industry. Since then, HKRRL has been providing services to the government and the highway industry to develop new highway materials / new mix designs, develop design standards and specifications, operational specifications for pavement works, evaluate highway waterproofing systems, and recycling of road construction materials. Road paving waste, for example, uses crushed materials, used rubber tires, recycled aggregates, and other household plastic waste.

The Hong Kong Road Research Institute has more than 30 members, including:

u  Professor YAO Zukang ( Highway expert and scholar ) - Tongji Road and Traffic Engineering, the former head

u  Professor WONG Wing-gun, Alan ( Engineer ) -over 30 years¡¦ experience in teaching, administration and research in the field of highway and transportation engineering

u  NIP Chi-kwong ( Engineer ) -Former Chief Engineer of R & D Division of Highways Department

u  Professor PUN Kwok-leung - Hong Kong Registered Environmental Auditor


Some research / consulting projects that the Hong Kong Road Research Laboratory has participated in :

u Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, Hong Kong transit facilities (superstructure and infrastructure) -design and construction, AECOM Asia Ltd.

u  The performance of polymer modified adhesives and friction layers (porous asphalt) currently used in Hong Kong, Highways Department

u Evaluation of asphalt pavement, widening the Tolo Highway ¡V Tai Hang to Wo Hop Shek Interchange, China Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

u Triaxial compression test of SMA material in Shenzhen Western Corridor, Anderson Asphalt Co., Ltd

u  From asphalt mixing plant to field compaction, collaborative research on early oxidation behavior of different asphalt binders, Highways Department

u  Asphalt material and mixture design technician training, Excellent Asphalt Co., Ltd.

u  Study and test the performance of asphalt regenerant sealant, Lianli Building Materials Co., Ltd.

u Evaluate various waterproofing systems applicable for Route 8- Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct, China Harbour Engineering Company (Group)

u  Study the bituminous materials incorporating with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) for Research & Development Division, Highways Department

u  Study the Application of Bedrock SH-1000P on Soil Stabilization for Road Construction, Sweet Track Limited

u Provision of Service for Measuring the Road/Tyre Noise in Hong Kong, Environmental Protection Department

u Development of Advanced Deterioration Model for the Design of Stabilised Pavement Bases, Australian Research Council (ARC), Australian Government, in collaboration with Monash University and Curtin University

u  Investigation of the Feasibility of Using GPC Test to Identify Asphalt Binder Type, Chiu Hing Construction and Transportation Co. Limited


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